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Choosing a Research Topic

  Choosing a Research Topic The choice of a topic involves identifying a general subject area, defining a topic and narrowing it, and stating the topic as a question or hypothesis.  The students who choose a subject with regard to  his own interests ,  his abilities ,  the availability of materials ,  the length of the paper to be written ,  and any other considerations which the instructor may suggest . On the basis of his existing knowledge, and of a quick survey of the resources of his library, he should then limit his subject as precisely as possible, realizing that he meet and probably will have to make further adjustment later.   A source of selecting a topic you can employ one of the following methods to make your choice: Reading a magazine article:    a current news magazine can Direct you to a subject that interests you in order to lead you into a research project. Drawing ...

Basic Terms in Methods of Research

  Basic Terms in Methods of Research What do we mean by research? Research paper is a long composition in which your present information, the opinions of others, and your own opinions and conclusions which you have gained by reading border extensively on a subject.  research paper is not a personal essay; it is not an extended commentary upon a single book or treaties; it is not a way to treatment of a subject; it is not a collection of quotations fitted together cleverly into a coherent pattern; it is not a collection of foot notes; no it is a conglomeration of ill-assorted paraphrases; quotations, statistics and the like, hurriedly and unskilfully assembled into a travesty of a research paper. Research  is a systematic process of collecting data, documenting the information, and analyzing and interpreting this data according to appropriate methodologies designed by professional fields and academic disciplines. Research is conducted to...

Total Physical Response (TPR)

 Total Physical Response (TPR) What is TPR ? TPR means Total Physical Response James Asher(1960s) put the principles of comprehension approach into practice, so he raised the hypothesis that language learning starts with understanding and ends with production.   What is the purpose of using TPR in Teaching English language? The purposes of using TPR in teaching and learning English language are: enjoy their experience of learning to communicate in another language, reduce the stress people feel when they are studying other languages and thereby, encourage students to persist in their study beyond a beginning level of proficiency   What are the principles of TPR? Meaning in the target language can often be conveyed through action. The students understanding of the target language should be developed before speaking.   Students can initially learn one part of the language rapidly by moving their bodies. The imperative is a powerful linguistic devi...

Present Simple Tense

Present Simple Tense زمن المضارع البسيط Present Simple Tense is the tense that we use its verb in the root form except the third-person singular. زمن المضارع البسيط هو الزمن الذي نستخدم فيه صيغة الفعل الاساسية بإستثناء صيغة الشخص الثالث .   The uses of Present Simple Tense   استخدامات المضارع البسيط We use present simple tense to talk about:   نحن نستخدم المضارع البسيط للحديث عن 1. Present moment ; for example, (اللحظة الحالية) I eat an apple now. She washes the dishes. 2. Habits and routine ; for example, (العادات والروتين) I brush my teeth every day. She goes to school every morning 3. Headlines and descriptions ; for example,  (العناوين والأوصاف) Cows lose their jobs as milk prices drop. JFK is dead. 4. General truth ; for example,  (الحقائق العامة) Viruses spread in many ways. Water boils at 100 c.    Sentence Form with Main Verb صيغة الجملة مع الفعل الرئيسي Affirmative Form (صيغة الإثبات)...