Present Simple Tense زمن المضارع البسيط
Present Simple Tense is the tense that we use its verb in
the root form except the third-person singular.
زمن المضارع البسيط هو الزمن الذي
نستخدم فيه صيغة الفعل الاساسية بإستثناء صيغة الشخص الثالث.
The uses of Present Simple Tense استخدامات المضارع البسيط
We use present simple tense to talk about:
- I eat an apple now.
- She washes the dishes.
2. Habits and routine; for example, (العادات
- I brush my teeth every day.
- She goes to school every morning
3. Headlines and descriptions; for example,
(العناوين والأوصاف)
- Cows lose their jobs as milk prices drop.
- JFK is dead.
4. General truth; for example, (الحقائق العامة)
- Viruses spread in many ways.
- Water boils at 100 c.
Sentence Form with Main Verb صيغة الجملة مع الفعل الرئيسي
Affirmative Form (صيغة الإثبات)
الجمع |
Subject (plural) + verb + etc. |
I play football. |
المفرد |
Subject (singular) + verb s/es + etc. |
She cooks the dinner. |
(cuts, pays, plays)
ونضيف ( es ) لآي فعل أساسي منتهي بالحروف التالية ( s, ss, sh, ch, x, o) في الزمن المضارع البسيط فاعله مفرد، مثل:
(watches, goes, washes, goes, touches,...etc)
Negative Form (صيغة النفي)
الجمع |
Subject (plural) + do + not + verb + etc. |
I do not play football. |
المفرد |
Subject (singular) + does +
not +verb + etc. |
She does not cook the dinner. |
Yes/ No- Question Form صيغة السؤال التصديقي
الجمع |
Do + Subject (plural) + verb + etc. + ? |
Do you play football? |
المفرد |
Does + Subject (singular) + verb + etc. + ? |
Does she cook the dinner? |
تسمى ( Yes/ No) لأن إجابتها تبدأ يأما ب ( Yes ) أو (No )، مثلا:
Do you like a cup of
Yes, I do. /No, I do
Does Layla go to
Yes, she does. /No, she
does not.
Wh- Question Form صيغة السؤال التصوري
الجمع |
Wh + do + Subject (plural) + verb + etc. + ? |
What do you play? |
المفرد |
Wh + does + Subject (singular) + verb + etc. + ? |
What does she cook? |
تسمى بال (Wh) لأنها تبدأ بإحدى أدواة السؤال ( What, Where, When, Why, Who, How ) إجابتها تكون جملة تامة
المعنى وتُجيب عن معلومة مفقودة، مثلا:
What do Ahmed and Ali
do? They play football.
Where Suha goes? She
goes to the cinema.
Sentence Form with Verb (BE) صيغة الجملة مع أفعال
Affirmative Form صيغة الإثبات
Subject (plural) + are + etc. |
They are teachers. |
المفرد |
Subject (singular) + is +
etc. |
She is beautiful. |
المتكلم |
I + am + etc. |
I am late. |
Negative Form صيغة النفي
Subject (plural) + are + not +
etc. |
They are not teachers. |
المفرد |
Subject (singular) + is + not +
etc. |
She is not beautiful. |
المتكلم |
I + am + not +
etc. |
I am not late. |
Yes/ No- Question Form صيغة السؤال التصديقي
الجمع |
Are +
Subject (plural) + etc. + ? |
Are you
teachers? |
المفرد |
Is +
Subject (singular) + etc. + ? |
Is she
beautiful? |
ملاحظة: في صيغة السؤال تحول ( I ) إلى ( Y ) وعند الإجابة تُعامل العكس حسب المُخاطب، مثلا:
you teachers?
we are. /No, we are not.
you late?
I am. /No, I am not.
Wh- Question Form صيغة السؤال التصوري
الجمع |
Wh +
are + Subject (plural) + etc. + ? |
What are these? |
المفرد |
Wh + is + Subject (singular) + etc. + ? |
What is that? |
Sentence Form with Verb (have) صيغة الجملة مع أفعال التملك
Affirmative Form صيغة الإثبات
الجمع |
Subject (plural) + have + etc. |
They have lecture. |
المفرد |
Subject (singular) + has + etc. |
She has book. |
Negative Form صيغة النفي
الجمع | Subject (plural) + have + not + etc. | They have not lecture. |
المفرد | Subject (singular) + has + not + etc. | She has not book. |
Yes/ No- Question Form صيغة السؤال التصديقي
الجمع |
Do Subject
(plural) + have + etc. + ? |
Do they have lecture? |
المفرد |
Does + Subject
(singular) + has + etc. + ? |
Does she has book? |
Wh- Question Form صيغة السؤال التصوري
الجمع |
+ do + Subject (plural) + have + etc. + ? |
What do they have? |
المفرد |
+ does + Subject (singular)
+ have + etc. + ? |
What does she have? |
Murphy, Raymond. (2004). English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press
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