Basic Terms in Methods of Research
What do
we mean by research?
Research paper is a long composition in
which your present information, the opinions of others, and your own opinions
and conclusions which you have gained by reading border extensively on a
subject. research paper is not a personal essay; it is not an
extended commentary upon a single book or treaties; it is not a way
to treatment of a subject; it is not a collection of quotations fitted together
cleverly into a coherent pattern; it is not a collection of foot notes; no it
is a conglomeration of ill-assorted paraphrases; quotations, statistics and the
like, hurriedly and unskilfully assembled into a travesty of a
research paper.
Research is a systematic process of collecting data, documenting
the information, and analyzing and interpreting this data according to
appropriate methodologies designed by professional fields and academic
Research is conducted to evaluate the validity of a hypothesis or an
interpretive framework; to assemble a body of substantive knowledge and
findings for sharing them in appropriate manners; and to generate questions for
further inquiries. (Hampshire college)
What are the basic steps in the planning
and conducting of research?
There are five basic steps suggested
for preparing any written academic work:
1. choosing a subject or a topic
2. forming a statement of the problem
3. forming a hypothesis or theory
4. identifying the populations and sampling
5. collecting and organizing the evidence
6. drawing conclusions and writing the paper
Definition of basic terms in research
A research subject or topic is the issue the
researcher interested in to conduct the research. the first step in every
research project is the well-defined research topic. Choosing a topic or a
subject is a continuous process depending on the researcher explore, define,
and hone the ideas.
A statement of the problem is used in research
work as a claim that outlines the problem addressed by a study. The statement
of the problem briefly addresses the question: What is the problem that the
research will address?
Writing a statement of the problem
should help you clearly identify the purpose of the research project you will
propose. Often, the statement of the problem will also serve as the basis for
the introductory section of your final proposal, directing your reader’s
attention quickly to the issues that your proposed project will address and
providing the reader with a concise statement of the proposed project itself.
A statement of problem need not be long
and elaborate: one page is more than enough for a good statement of problem. (Bwisa,
2018: online)
A research hypothesis is a specific, clear,
and testable proposition or predictive statement about the possible outcome of
a scientific research study based on a particular property of a population,
such as presumed differences between groups on a particular variable or relationships
between variables. (Lavrakas, 2008)
Population is defined as a
group of individuals with at least one common characteristic which
distinguishes that group from other individuals.
Sample is a small proportion
of the population that is selected for observation and analysis. By observing
the characteristics of the population from which it was drawn.
Why do we study research?
Many students ask this question at the
beginning of the course, but there are two main reasons to study research
methods for English Language Teachers, which they:
1. in
education career, the teacher always need to be a knowledgeable consumer of
education research, and to do that the students firstly need to understand and
appreciate the research process.
2. English
language teacher always need to examine what are they doing.
college. Retrieved at 16th of December 2020 at:
Bwisa, Henry. (2018). The basics of writing a statement of the problem for your research proposal. Retrieved at 16th of December 2020 at:,A%20statement%20of%20the%20problem%20is%20used%20in%20research%20work,problem%20addressed%20by%20a%20study.&text=Writing%20a%20statement%20of%20the%20problem%20should%20help%20you%20clearly,research%20project%20you%20will%20propose.
Paul J. (2008). Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods. SAGE
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