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The Footnote System

The Footnote System

A. Purpose of Footnotes:

1.    They may make it legal to publish word from another writer.
2.    They carry out an old tradition of honor among scholars.
3.    They enable a reader in dependently to consult sources of information.
4.    They furnish adults call in full information regarding sources.


 It is worth mentioning that footnotes should not be used when they are not needed.


B. When to use a Footnote:

1.    It is needed to give the sources of any fact that is very little known

2.    It is used when you express a theory or opinion drift from another writer.

3.    Any plan or organisation of material (an arrangement of statistics) should be belong to do a source.

4.    It is occasionally used to refer the reader to sources which give more detail on a specific point.

 C. How to put Footnote into Your Paper

Kinds of Footnotes

 Notes may be in one of two forms: footnotes or endnotes. Footnotes are place in the bottom of the page that contain the material they refer to. Endnote are grouped together and a separate section at the end of the paper. Most printers prefer to have footnotes inserted in the Massey crypt immediately after the passage which they annotate. In some works, a system of the trikes and the daggers indicate the notes. A series of index numbers begins anew on each page. Sometimes the first footnote is numbered 1 and the others in a continuous series to the end of the easy it is suggested to serve it is particular purpose. 

Source Footnotes

 Just what material goes into a source footnote depends partly upon what information has been given in the text, and partly upon whether or not the paper includes a separate bibliographical list. Since economy and avoidance of repetition are desirable a footnote should not ordinarily repeated an author's name or title which has been adequately stated in the text. If there is a separate bibliographical list (and your paper will have one), the footnote may leave out such details as place, publisher, and the date of the book. For every famous works the author’s last name is often enough without initialize or first name.

 The form for bibliographical references in footnotes is similar to their form in the bibliography except for some differences:


In footnotes

In bibliography

1. The authors last name should not be written first.

1. The authors last name should be written first.

2. Not alphabetized.

2. Alphabetized

3. The items (parts) of the entry are separated by commas.


3. The items (parts) of the entry are separated by periods.



Explanatory Footnotes

 As a matter of fact, the note here should be worded more briefly says the material of an explanatory note is less important or less relevant than the text of your article. You may refer to the sources of information and it is better than attempting your own account. But original footnotes are good place for personal opinions, comments of study of your study for further recommendations or suggestions. 


Atallah, Dhuha. (2011). A Course in Library and Research Work. College of Basic Education/ Al-Mustansiriah University. 


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