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Style and Strategies of Writing Research Papers 2


Style and Strategies of Writing Research Papers 2

An academy paper as a formal piece of writing which required the use of formal wording. It should be presented in a style that is creative, clear, concise, and objective. Although the phraseology should be diagnosed and straightforward, it need not be dull or pedantic. Even the most profound ideas can best be explained in simple language and short coherent sentences. Research report should describe and explain, rather than try to convince or move to action.


 In the interest of objectivity, the person pronounces (I, we, you my, our, and us) should not be used. These personal pronouns can be avoided by the use of such expressions as (the investigator) or (the researcher) (i.e. the third person pronouns he, she, it, and they) instead of saying (I selected ten students from each class), the passive voice construction with be preferable (ten students are selected from each class). Also, so formal writing does not contain contractions such as (doesn’t) (he’s) and (there’ll).

 Only the last name or cited authorities are used. Titles search all professor Dr, Mr, and Dean are omitted. The past tense should be used in the describing research procedures that have been completed.

 When you present a quotation in your paper follow these rules:

1.     Type the quotation along with your writing, without special I indentation or spacing.

2.     Use quotation marks to enclose your sources that exact words.

3.     If a quotation would take up more than four lines of typing in your paper, triple-space before and after it, double space it, indent it ten spaces from the left margin, but don't use quotation marks.

 concerning citation, the best and easiest method is by mentioning the authors last name, the year of publication, and the page number example:

*Komoski and Vockell (1978: 53) found that……………..

*According to Baker (1980: 123),…………….

*……… to studied (Anderson, 1971:18).


Atallah, Dhuha. (2011). A Course in Library and Research Work. College of Basic Education/ Al-Mustansiriah University.  


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